Wednesday, August 14, 2019

RJS Tamines

Stade Arthur Michaux
Capacity: 3,000 

Another trip to Belgium this time to RJS (which we all know stands for Royale Jeunesse Sportive) Tamines



Monday, August 12, 2019

BSV Roxel

Landesliga Westfalen Staffel 4 (7th tier of German football)

Roxel is a suburb of Münster. BSV Roxel play at one of those ghastly athletic stadiums cum football grounds.


Thursday, August 8, 2019

TSV Berenbostel

Kreisliga Region Hannover Staffel 2 (8th tier of German football)

Berenbostel is a suburb of Garbsen, which in turn is a suburb of Hannover. So now you know.

